Sunday, April 12, 2009

if your right hand is causing you pain, cut it off

I really liked Adventureland. The big problem with that movie is they mismarketed it as another teen sex comedy from the director of Superbad, when the Apatow Group had in fact nothing to do with the film. The closest resemblance I could find was Michael Cera and the no-name from this movie, which didn't bother me one bit. He's not as funny, but that's because the movie wasn't written that way. It's harly like Superbad at all. Either way, I didn't laugh much but enjoyed the movie. I don't care to critique every aspect of it, just don't turn it down right when some Superbad-crazed friend of yours tells you not to see it. Fast & Furious 3 by the way...a little entertaining, better than the first 3, and still the same completely unbelievable Hollywood shit thrown into not two hours of sitting in a theater. If you like that kind of thing, go for it.

Spring Break is disappointing. Thursday started out exciting until cops showed up. Now I got seriously close to being arrested and discovered things about certain people I wish I hadn't. Saturday I hung out with some fun people and didn't go to sleep, which I made up for the 18 hours I woke up from a few hours ago. Now I have a whole week ahead of me and I don't even care. I'm going to spend it in the sun I guess, how much more little things can I come up with other than when I occupied myself in school?

My computer was lost to a virus so I have no music to keep my spirits up :( Now all I have is a bunch of Bloc Party.

Favorite PostSecret of the week:

I won't be afraid to admit this has always been something I've wanted to do. Maybe it's a sign I should be an architect, who knows.

The real reason I put up this blog is because I wanted to vent.
I hate highschool and the immaturity it drags along with it.
I hate having to change my body with a drug so I'm not left out, or to escape.
I hate big arguments about people, especially when the one it concerns isn't present.
I hate laws.
I hate discovering things I don't want to know.
I hate how someone is so good at being two faced, that everyone thinks they're always telling the truth.
I hate not having a single person I feel I can both confide in and have absolute trust with.
I hate seeing people use others.
I hate people claim I use others.
I hate it when someone bitches about the little things that don't matter.
I hate when someone doesn't appreciate everything they're given, especially when they're much more fortunate than others.

I'm done writing. My pool is finally open.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have just decided

I am going to wake up super early each day of Spring Break and finish one book.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm a little discontent. Now my parents are wanting to move to Rose Hill when we originally planned on Pinecrest. Well, I shouldn't say "we" since they keep deciding this stuff without Tolya's input or mine. Won't go into detail but the house we already had in Pinecrest has been tossed away, the house in Rose Hill is pretty much ours, and I will no longer be a PBoy. Thanks dad :)

St. Patrick's Day was pretty good. Me, Van, Melanie, Davis, and Haley drove down to Savannah and rode unicycles around and stuff. I guess not a lot of people do that because we commonly were asked to hop on or let someone try. It was fun, though. We got to see Des, Liz, and her other cool friend a bit and ran into Derek and Sean and Marek and them a couple times. We ate at Spanky's and I slept through car traffic at the end, reminding me of why we took the trolley last year.

Favorite PostSecret of the week, butttt
mainly because of an included response:

"I make a conscious effort to sit and stand next to the "creepiest" people in hopes that they will not feel like they are avoided. I hope acknowledging them as people with no differences brings a little dignity."

Monday, March 2, 2009

the closest thing to perfect, the farthest thing from me

My favorite PostSecret of the week ^
I like what the picture and text literally mean when put together, and the bigger message this postcard relays.

So this is what it's like to get a stable job. Not much has changed. I'm still basically doing nothing after school, I'm just getting paid for it. It's nice I guess. Linds and Davis came to see me today :) I got to sit with them on a bench for 30 minutes during my break. I love my friends.

This weekend was kinda bizarre and has led me to give up some things and maybe even explore something new. Don't worry, if you know what I'm talking about. I won't let anything happen to me. Thankyou to all of my friends by the way who watched over me Friday. I had a great time at Davis' and the beach and all that with all of you :)

Concert thing tomorrow and Watchmen 12:00 am showing Thursday/Friday! Be there. I have been waiting like a year for this movie. Never followed a film with more hype since The Dark Knight and Cloverfield.

My feet hurt.

Monday, February 23, 2009

S. Darko, new job, weekend

This just might be the worst mistake ever to be made in film. Frank the Bunny is completely irrelevant to his sister Samantha, the world ending was metaphorical, and I can already tell the acting is going to be ridiculous. I'll rent it out of curiosity, but what other options do I have? Highly doubtful this movie will make its way to theaters.

Finally I have a job. Rockport. I took what Fernando left behind, him recommending I do it of course. I'm not materialistic in the least bit but a job is necessary to pay for car insurance, any necessities I need, and to just live a little more comfortably. Pay is $7.50 an hour and I'm going to take as many hours as they dish up.

This weekend was a little weird. Friday was one of the best nights I've had in awhile. Though a lot of it is a blur, I was happier at points than I have been in a long time. Most of that has been shattered by now with some of the things people have been telling me and the way the following day turned out, but that's life. You can't always have what you want.

Favorite PostSecret of the week, just because it reminds me of whenever I want to play some Jewel or Vanessa Carlton with my mom in the car:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hey lots cross the sea and get some culture

Van is here sleeping. A quarter to 6. Minus the Bear. I'm not tired at all. I want to start drawing more, reading some of Lindsey's books, finish some of my own, get all my music on my ipod from my old computer downloaded on this one so I can sinc my new stuff and start finding new bands and old favorites, get going in photography, and find some good indie films to watch.

Don't know my plans for college. SCAD would be nice and the atmosphere in Savannah is pretty good but its so expensive. With a couple years at USCB to get my gen ed and then transferring somewhere more respectable, I'd have more money through scholarships and shortcuts than I'd handle living finaces and things like that. It'd be nice though to go to an art school studying film with all the knowledge and interest I have in it.

Looking at the course catalog at school I realized how many classes I would have had fun with learning, but I didn't really take advantage up until now because it just didn't matter to me before. Regardless, here's what I picked out for next year:

Core classes:
English IV (AP if I bring my grade up)
Earth Science or Physics Honors
US Gov & Econ AP
Algebra III/Trig

French III Honors
Photo IV Studio Art AP

I know I'm contradicting myself by taking coop but some of those classes require lots of effort and spending extra time out of my day so I need to have less to focus on.

Looking forward to getting out of school this year. It's my last summer as a rising high school student... my last break to be more carefree and have less to worry about than my years to follow. I'm hoping to help Van with kayaking and make a shit load of money. My mom and her boyfriend might come down since I'm not heading to Iowa for the first time, and my siblings will definitely be here again for a week or two. Last year when they came in June was fun. I know what it's like to see this place for the first time...a lot different than Iowa. I've just had a lot of time to adjust, living here for over three years. Anyway, they're my favorite people in the world and I'm hoping they come to see me.

Lindsey's tomorrow :) Sorry this is more of me blabbering. A lot of my blogs are more like short journals and I know that that's less interesting than writing to talk about your views on something or whatever other reason. Next time I'll write for some other purpose.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

no clue

Everyone keeps disappointing me left and right.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

asleep at the wheel

I covered some important things that have passed my mind lately.

Being home alone makes me realize how ready I am to be on my own. I know it's not the same cause I'm not paying for bills and don't have all that to worry about but still, it feels great to have this freedom and be able to be this independent for a change. My parents are in Florida til tomorrow or Monday to see if they wanna move there so that's cool. I had Rj, Van, Des, Josh, and Fern over lastnight.. and then when Rj and Des left Megan and Lindsey stopped by. I had a bunch of candles lit in the back and was able to feed people, so that felt pretty good. Though this was the only time I'm probably ever going to get an opportunity to have people over like this, it was nice. There was a rough moments, but I had some talks lastnight and everything feels a little better. I only got a couple hours of sleep but Josh made me pancakes and did some dishes, and him and Van helped me clean up.. so in all it was pretty nice.

Something I've been thinking about is how little I know about people. I don't really judge people badly, I mean everyone does to some extent, but things happen that totally change my perspective on that person. For better or worse, or neither, you never really know someone unless you've been with them for a long time. Just mentioning that because I don't want to write a whole blog on it.

I also screwed up with my dad again. I love my friends, but he comes first and I haven't been being fair to him. Last night we had a pretty long talk and I feel terrible about everything. Strike 3, and he's still giving me another chance and still trusts me. I love my dad and don't want to make him upset, or not trust me. He understands me very well and I need someone like that in my life. Some things are going to change. I mean I'm not going to stop some of the things I do because he knows that I'm not doing it to be a rebel or to affect him in any way, I let him understand all that. I've just gotta be a lot more cautious about some stuff.

I don't want a relationship in high school. No one has done anything wrong, I've just had some bad luck and don't feel like it's really worth it. This is another thing I'm slipping in because I'm not writing a whole blog on it.

This whole time back has been like an emotional roller coaster. I'm fine.. and I'm going to try really hard to keep it that way. I'm very fortunate for my friends that have been good to me and the fact that I am so close to my family. Out of everything I learned in 2008, the biggest one that has had an impact on me is not to take things or people for granted. I didn't make any resolutions but that's something I learned over the year.. the hard way.

If I've said sorry to you, I'm saying it again. I love all you guys. Thanks for being there

Thursday, January 1, 2009

this years love had better last

Things are a little weird. I've been having ups and downs lately. I'm glad to be back, and I have so much new stuff that there's nothing I could want materialistically. The weather here is great. It was so cold in Iowa no one could even finish smoking. Every trip to Iowa I am more and more appreciative, so I always feel like I got something out of it. I made a few good memories, mostly while I saw the whole side of my mom's family. I would say I regret the trip cause of something that happened while I was gone, but not really. All it did was open up my eyes a little. I'm going to be a lot more patient in getting to know people for now on, so no one gets hurt. New Years was really weird. I get to have the house to myself this weekend. Going to see Valkyrie right now..
Happy Birthday, Tolya.
Done rambling.